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What to Expect at Knoxville Baptist:



There are plenty of friendly faces to greet you when you come to one of our services!  Greeters are available to answer questions and assist you in any way.  Beyond the initial welcome, we want you to feel like family.  In addition to the Great Commandments (given in Matthew 22:37-39) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), Knoxville adheres to instruction given in the Book of Acts to minister to and fellowship with one another.  Come, be a part of our family!   



It is more important that you experience God during your worship time than what you wear.  We want you to feel comfortable when you come to church.  The most important It is more important that you experience God and are fed during your worship time  Come as you are, relax and listen to what God wants to say to you.



First and foremost we seek to consistently teach and preach spiritual truth in accordance with God's Holy Word.  The Gospel is clearly presented so that each hearer may have the opportunity to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  It is our desire, also, to provide instruction to help each person discover the practical guidance God provides in His Word and to promote a stronger, deeper, more intimate relationship with the God of the universe.

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